Software Development28 Videos

Lambdas & LINQ in C# – Part 1: Lambda Expression Basics

Lambda Expressions are confusing when we first walk up to them. But they’re pretty easy to understand once we take a bit of a closer look. Today we’ll look at the syntax features and also captured variable. When we’re comfortable with lambda expressions, we can use them to take advantage of LINQ (Language Integrated Query) […]

Umbraco7 ASP.NET MVC Application to demonstrate the use of several technologies and Frameworks

Umbraco 7 Umbraco MVC Application Custom Database set-up and configuration SurfaceController and RenderMVCController Creation of Blank Visual Studio Solution 2013 Umbraco Application Event Handler Bundling and minifying scripts Umbraco CMS package install CMS database set-up Adding Structure to the solution by adding Class Library Projects Entity Framework, Autofac, Automapper, FluentAPI Bundle Configuration Applying Bootstrap theme […]

Xamarin Android Tutorial 1 Setting up Xamarin

How to setup Xamarin.Android to build Android applications using C#

C# Generics – Part 5: Generic Constraints & “default”

Let the compiler work for you. Generics give us flexibility and reuse in our classes, methods, and interfaces. This time, we’ll explore Generics Constraints and the “default” keyword. Constraints allow us to place conditions on what types can be used as generic parameters. For code samples and a PDF Walkthrough, visit

C# Generics – Part 4: Nested Generics

Let the compiler work for you. Generics give us flexibility and reuse in our classes, methods, and interfaces. This time, we’ll explore Generics by combining the Generic Interface (from Part 2) with the Generic Method (from Part 3). We end up with a Nested Generic. For code samples and a PDF Walkthrough, visit…. Future […]

C# Generics – Part 3: Methods & Delegates

Let the compiler work for you. Generics give us flexibility and reuse in our classes, methods, and interfaces. This time, we’ll explore Generics by looking at Methods and Delegates. For code samples and a PDF Walkthrough, visit…. Future videos will explore other aspects of Generics (including nested generics and constraints).

C# Generics – Part 2: Interfaces

Let the compiler work for you. Generics give us flexibility and reuse in our classes, methods, and interfaces. This time, we’ll explore Generics by looking at Interfaces. For code samples and a PDF Walkthrough, visit…. Future videos will explore other aspects of Generics (including methods and constraints).

C# Generics – Part 1: Collections

Let the compiler work for you. Generics shift the burden of type-safety from the developer to the compiler. We’ll start exploring Generics by looking at .NET Collections. For code samples and a PDF Walkthrough, visit…. Future videos will explore other aspects of Generics (including interfaces, methods, and constraints).